So it's been a very long time since I posted anything. I've been quite busy with college life and making sure that my work can be placed into my portfolio. I'm hoping that soon I will have a website of my own up to show all my work that I call portfolio worthy since I feel that only the best should be shown. Currently I'm doing my last 6 months in Web & Graphic design, from there...I don't know what the world has in store for me. All that I know is that what ever comes my way, I'll be ready for it. Since I've learned to expect the unexpected and never take life for granted.

Hi, to all of you who either watch my blog on a regular basis or just happen to stumble upon it accidentally. I just want to inform you all that I have my website up and running now. So please feel free to check it out.

Thank you

Well I've been trying to come up with a new model for awhile now. I've finally got something to show. The style will be somewhat cartoon in the final render. But I like my concept and where it's going right now. Of course this my all change within a week...we'll have to see

I did this picture a couple of months ago and I just never got around to putting it up on my blog. I'm going to try and constantly update my blog as often as possible without things getting boring. So here is Card Captor Sakura (anime character) that I drew over in Illustrator CS3. I used the pen tool to outline it and selected similar colors to the ones in the original.

my reason for placing the image like this is so that you can see the difference in the two. The the original on the top and then my vector piece at the bottom.

I hope that you all like it. For more of my art work:

Here is my finished Taoist Paradise, both the ambient occlusion map and the finished texturing. I still plan on making some changes to it since the water in the background isn't doing anything for this model.

This is just an update for those of you who seem to be still viewing my blog. I've managed to graduate from 3D Gaming animation. I'm still working on updating my modeling skills and make some new environments, that I will hopefully place up on my blog. I've starting taking a new program that will allow me to make my own website that I can place more of my own work on. So I will be doing graphics and web design.

So...I've begun a new model that I plan on putting into my future demo reel. I found a picture of this diorama of a taoist paradise and it was completely made from cork. So I decided that I would model it out in 3D...of course I made some manipulations to it so that it wasn't a direct copy.

Here is what I've done so far in 3 weeks

About this blog

I'm a 3D environment modeler as well as a Branding Consultant (this means I do graphic work as well as web design). I'm 26 and live in Canada, currently attending at Technical College to hone my skills and make a name for myself in the industry someday.
